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HSR Training

The AWU is committed to having the safest workplaces in NSW. The way we do this is by having elected and trained Work Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) in each workplace. As an elected HSR you have a legal right to receive accredited HSR training, paid for by your employer.

This includes the right to choose an approved course run by the AWU.

As a Union trained HSR you have a powerful voice in representing your workmates and improving health and safety at your worksites. Your role and functions as an HSR are protected by the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) and include the following:

  • Investigating complaints about work health and safety
  • Inspecting any part of the workplace, after giving reasonable notice or immediately in the event of an incident
  • Examining any documents relevant to health and safety
  • Accompanying a SafeWork inspector during an inspection of the workplace
  • Issuing notices to your employer to improve health and safety
  • Issuing directions to the workforce to cease work where there is serious and imminent risk to safety (after having consulted with your employer)
  • Being consulted by your employer about health and safety matters
  • Requesting a review of control measures, such as operation manual for cranes
  • Taking time off work with pay as necessary for exercising HSR powers
  • Being provided with necessary facilities i.e. computer, printer etc and assistance for exercising HSR powers

HSR 5 Day Training Course

The initial course is delivered over five days.

The learning objectives of the course are to:

  • interpret the occupational health and safety legislative framework and its relationship to the HSR
  • identify key parties and their legislative obligations and duties
  • establish representation in the workplace
  • participate in consultation and issue resolution
  • represent designated work group members in any OHS risk management process undertaken by the appropriate duty holder
  • issue a provisional improvement notice (PIN) and direct the cessation of work

The HSR refresher course

A one-day refresher training course provides HSRs with information to strengthen the knowledge gained from the initial course. HSR’s are entitled a one-day Refresher course every year. The content can cover any of the learning outcomes from the initial course. This could include:

  • a general update on legislation
  • risk management specific to an industry or hazards
  • HSR entitlements and powers
  • HSR skills development


Delegates Training

The AWU believes that training is crucial to building a strong union. That’s why we provide delegates with access to comprehensive training courses – so you can best represent and assist members in your workplace.

The AWU offers three levels of delegates training courses, along with negotiating skills courses in each branch.


Delegates Training Level 1.

This course is aimed specifically at newly elected delegates, and should be completed within the first six (6) months of their appointment. It is important to recognise that the Level 1 Course is the initial stage in the development of AWU delegates. This course covers the essential techniques that underpin organising their workplace, and provides the… see more

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Delegates Training Level 2.

Delegates have already undertaken a Level one (1) development course to build on their key skills and knowledge to help them work effectively in their workplace. The Level two (2) program has been developed to continue an integrated learning approach by taking further steps in their development and within their branch… see more

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Delegates Training Level 3.

Delegates have already undertaken introductory and intermediate levels of union education. This course has been developed to continue integrated learning of organising values for those delegates who have an interest of furthering their potential in their role… see more

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