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Support our firefighters!

May 29, 2020 11:00 am

Call on the NSW Government to support our firefighters

Fire Fighters from the National Parks and Wildlife Services (NPWS) and Forestry Corporation (FCNSW) have spent months risking their lives fighting the worst bushfires Australia has seen for decades.

The NSW Government cut $121 million from National Parks between 2016-2018, cut $45 million from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment in 2019, and an additional $36 million worth of cuts are planned for 2020.

The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has been subject to government budget cuts and restructures that has substantially impeded its ability to carry out its important role in managing our national parks, including fire prevention duties.

We’ve also seen the NSW Government attempt to privatise Forestry Corporation, which would have inevitably lead to job cuts and a worse deal for the community.

Now, the NSW Government has decided to freeze these workers wages for 12 months.

Join us in telling the NSW Government that this is an unacceptable way to treat these frontline service men and women and that they deserve better pay, not worse.

Our demands are clear:

  • Reverse the cuts to National Parks and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment;
  • Immediately fill all vacant roles;
  • Stop the further cuts planned for 2020;
  • Secure additional funding; and
  • Stop the pay freeze for public sector workers.

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