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AWU Statement: COVID-19

March 5, 2020


Thursday, 5 March 2020

Brad Gandy, Secretary, AWU WA Branch:

We are writing to all major employers in the mining industry outlining our concerns for the health and safety of mine workers.

AWU members in the mining sector may be exposed to COVID-19 from colleagues who reside in regions affected by the virus and who travel to Australia for work.

Employers in the mining sector need to confirm that all workers who have spent time in regions affected by coronavirus are quarantined for at least 14 days on paid time before commencing work.

We are also seeking assurances that workers are being provided with appropriate training to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

We also need to know that employers have made medical facilities available on site for any worker who has shown or shows symptoms of coronavirus.

The union will be reinforcing to our members in mining that they have a right to say no to unsafe work if there is serious risk to their health or safety emanating from an immediate or imminent exposure to a hazard.

Enclosed: AWU Statement in PDF

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