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Queensland youth detention workers win 2023 AWU Campaign of the Year and Yossi Berger Safety awards

July 5, 2024 2:23 pm

Queensland youth detention workers win 2023 AWU Campaign of the Year and Yossi Berger Safety awards

An Australian Workers Union campaign that won historic pay increases of more than $11,000 a year as well as a raft of improved conditions and benefits for AWU members working in Queensland’s youth detention system has been named a joint winner of both the AWU Campaign of the Year 2023 and the Yossi Berger Safety Award 2023.

AWU members and delegates kicked off the campaign—A Fair Wage for Workers in Youth Detention—in 2022, in response to a chronic staffing shortage across the youth detention system that was leading to repeated incidents of extreme violence towards workers. This was compounded by apathy from management towards the violence. 

The campaign sought an equivalent of a reclassification in the existing pay structure (amounting to an additional $350 a fortnight), on top of the Government wages policy of a 4%/4%/3% pay rise and a Cost-of-Living Adjustment Payment.

However, it quickly became clear that the Department of Youth Justice was unwilling to come to the table with the AWU. In response, more than 100 members walked off the job on health and safety grounds at all three centres after a series of high-profile assaults on staff. They waved flags, chanted and marched outside of the centres in Brisbane and Townsville while AWU advocates, officials and delegates argued their case in an emergency conference at the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC). 

The action was extensively covered by the media, leading broadcast TV news in Queensland and running prominently on various national and local news sites. This publicity caught the attention of the government, which put internal pressure on the Department to come to the table and negotiate with the AWU. 

A subsequent proposal from the Department fell around $150 per fortnight short of the AWU claim and was unanimously rejected by delegates, who indicated that they would be seeking approval from the QIRC to begin industrial action in support of a better offer.

Meanwhile, the Department, which had clearly not taken the delegates’ rejection of the proposal at face value, went onto site to talk to workers about the offer. Workers stood united behind their delegates, telling the Department that their delegates’ feedback was their feedback and that they would not accept the offer. This display of unity showed the Department that workers were serious about taking action, and led to a revised offer that achieved the $350 per fortnight uplift members were seeking. This proposal was accepted unanimously by meetings of members at each Youth Detention Centre.

AWU Queensland Secretary Stacey Schinnerl said it was a massive win for AWU members.

“The offer that was made to AWU members as a direct result of this campaign equates to an average pay rise of $11,000 a year per worker,” she says.

“It’s the most substantial pay rise that any group of workers in the Queensland public service has seen in years.

“In addition, operational workers will receive a $300 per fortnight increase to their Youth Justice Employees’ Allowance, and a new $45 per fortnight Skilled Workers Allowance will be offered to staff members with over two years of service.

“These measures will help attract and retain the skilled staff we need to keep Queensland’s youth detention centres safe, and will make a real difference to workers.

“This result was achieved by the hard work and solidarity of our amazing delegates, members and bargaining representatives. It shows the power workers hold when workplaces are unionised and workers know their worth at the bargaining table.

“It is proof that AWU members are always stronger, together!”

AWU members in youth detention will obtain the following under this agreement:

  • Operational/Environment Allowance: An increase to the existing operational/environment allowance for all operational employees to $353.80 per fortnight, equating to an increase of $300 per fortnight.
    • The Department is also proposing that this allowance now be payable on Recreational, Long Service and Special Leave types, and considered superannuable salary.
  • Pay Rises: 4% in the first year, 4% in the second year and 3% in the third year.
  • Cost of Living Adjustment One-Off Payments: This is a one-off payment of 3% base rate in the first year, paid at the beginning of the new agreement, then up to 3% each year after depending on how the cost-of-living measures against the pay rise for that year.
  • New Youth Detention Skilled Worker Allowance: An all-purpose allowance of $45 per fortnight for staff with two years of continuous service, designed to improve staff retention. 
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