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AWU Secures Protections for Woolworths Members

July 5, 2019 12:41 pm

After Woolworths announced a rushed and unfair organisational change process, the AWU has been quick to stand up and fight back on behalf of our hardworking Woolworths Members.

From day one, the AWU has opposed this process. We’ll never support anything that puts members jobs at risk and puts existing staff under more pressure.

To fight back against this rushed and unfair process, the AWU took Woolworths to the Fair Work Commission to hold them to account.

While Woolworths is still insisting on proceeding with the organisational change, the AWU will keep fighting to protect full-time positions and ensure staff affected are treated with more respect.

Woolworths has agreed that:

  1. No full-time staff members offered a new role will have their hours cut back to part-time or casual
  2. All employees, including salaried, will have transition payment calculated at EBA rates
  3. All employees made redundant will receive redundancy payments at EBA rates
  4. Any employee will receive an additional $2000 payment

Importantly, anybody who has been affected by this process wanting to take a redundancy should contact the AWU as soon as possible so that we can make representations on your behalf.

While these commitments are important, the AWU is still adamantly opposed to any process that puts members jobs at risk.

We’ll continue to hold Woolworths to account to ensure that staff aren’t pushed to the side just so Woolworths can save a few dollars.

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The AWU will continue to hold Woolworths to account to ensure that staff aren’t pushed to the side just so Woolworths can save a few dollars.

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