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Message from the SA Branch Secretary

December 13, 2024

Spring has been a challenging season for the SA branch, with Whyalla GFG continuing to struggle as domestic and international pressures make it difficult for the Australian steel market.

Internationally, China are dumping steel in Australia as their market demands weaken, which puts downward price pressure on Australian steel.

Compounding these issues is the continued mismanagement of the steelworks. The blast furnace has been offline again, further strangling production. GFG made 50 white-collar employees redundant in August, and suppliers to the site have complained of late payments.

GFG are adamant it will make it through to transform lower emission green steel. The town of Whyalla and our nation need the steelworks to be a productive steel-making site.

Perfection Fresh, which is one of the largest Tomato growers in Australia, has obtained a virus and was ordered by authorities to destroy the plants and undertake cleaning of over 20 glasshouses to eradicate the virus.

This has resulted in many workers unable to continue work at the site.Ā  The AWU has been working with authorities and employers to keep over 200 PALM workers in work, transferring them to other farms in gainful employment.

We continue to grow our membership in horticulture, with great work from our team pursuing underpayments and dodgy IFAā€™s that still exist in the industry.

On a good note, we previously reported ASC Shipbuilding owed about 100 workers over $100,000. This matter has been finalised with the official figures of backpay to a total of $424,370 to 289 workers for unpaid shift penalties. This is anotherĀ  great result from the hard-working AWU SA branch team.

Playford Council still continue to take industrial action to pursue better wage outcomes, and are determined to dig in stronger than ever. ASC has also secured good wage outcomes after a lengthy dispute.

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