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Building Workplace Power and leaving no one behind!

July 17, 2024

The WA Branch proudly represents members’ interests throughout Western Australia and fights for a better deal at work. In 2024 we held our biggest May Day yet with hundreds of AWU members proudly waving flags through the streets of Fremantle.

Unfortunately, Alcoa announced the closure of the Kwinana Alumina Refinery, a decision made in America which has profound effects on our members – the AWU was on site on day 1 and will be there on the final day, leaving no one behind. Our Alcoa members know the power of the union and are reaping the benefits of their strong union agreement through their generous redundancy and transfer provisions in their EBA.

Main Roads

The AWU has been working with the State Government to deliver the in-housing of over 600 well-paid, secure union road maintenance jobs many in regional WA.

The transition will see AWU members receive significant pay increases and improved conditions at Main Roads.

Proud Main Roads members

Offshore Oil and Gas

The Offshore Alliance continues to fight and secure new EBAs across the oil and gas industry raising industry standards and rates of pay.

Our Woodside and Chevron members did not back down in their fight for EBAs. They held strong and won against their employers’ legal tricks and attempts to use untrained ‘scab’ labour to undermine job security during negotiations.

Offshore Alliance members are not afraid to take action and win!

Industrial Action

The WA Branch fights to win and our members have voted to take protected industrial actions multiple times across the mining, offshore, refining, food processing and manufacturing industries.

Recently, the AWU WA has successfully negotiated union EBAs through Protected Industrial Action against Citic Pacific Mining, Woodside, Chevron, ATOM and Cockburn Cement to name a few.

The AWU WA Branch doesn’t just talk the talk about action, we take it and when we do our members win and get a better deal.

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